Dear Depressed,

I am so impressed with my fellow neurodivergent folx right now, but I am also angry at the situations we are finding ourselves in. The few resources allotted to us by society have been ripped away at the most inopportune time. Refilling prescriptions takes forever. Obtaining “non-essential” medical care is difficult. Maintaining healthy coping mechanisms is next to impossible.

Many of us are “essential workers;” burning ourselves out feeding other families, watching other parents’ kids, and cleaning up other people’s garbage. We’re so depleted we don’t have the time or energy to do the most basic self care, like cook, clean, or even shower. Then we come home to either empty homes or people who do not understand us.

For those of us who live alone we are even more isolated than ever. The few social ties or support systems we have manged to build are at risk of collapsing. Some of us enjoy being alone too much, and have to actively maintain human connections. With the isolation that comes with a pandemic it is too easy for many of us to fall into old hermit-like habits and isolate ourselves further.

For many of us who live with roommates, partners, or family, we are surrounded by people who do not understand us are who are becoming increasingly frustrated with being in such close proximity to a person displaying symptoms of mental illness. They are sick of our mood swings, our fear, our anger, our annoying coping mechanisms, our erratic behaviors, our insomnia, our apathetic exteriors, and our general inability to be “normal.”

We’re also inundated by neurotypicals with cabin fever claiming they finally “get it” regarding mental health all over social media. Often these neurotypicals even think we’re faring better than them because we’re used to feeling crappy all the time, or because we’re not displaying significantly more outward signs of our conditions.

On top of our personal lives being extra challenging, our bosses, teachers, and coworkers have been less than accommodating. Anytime life becomes more difficult for society in general, neurodivergent and/or disabled folx lose resources first. Schools scrambling to set up remote learning systems are failing students with disabilities left and right. Even though publicly funded educational institutions are legally required to accommodate students with documented disabilities, I can tell you first hand accommodations are not being prioritized or enforced. And companies are laying off the “less productive” employees first, which is just code for disabled or otherwise impaired people.

All this to say that I understand it’s been incredibly difficult for us. But I also know we are doing a pretty fan-fucking-tastic job all things considered. Many of us are still holding down jobs, which was difficult enough before the pandemic. We are somehow motivating ourselves to get out of bed most days. We are staying in school. We are managing – surviving.

And yes, we should demand more than just the ability to survive by shear willpower. But if that’s all we can do in the movement, know that is enough. It is enough to just barely roll out of bed and go to work looking like a hot mess. It is enough to be half-way vertical. It is enough to eat a piece of sliced lunch meat for dinner. Whatever you are doing, it is enough. And it’s okay that the kitchen is a disaster. It’s okay if you didn’t shower for the past three days. It’s okay if you can’t get out of bed today.

Right now, our only job is to survive, and do the best we can for ourselves and each other – whatever that looks like.

Liberals are not Comrads

Liberals are not my comrads. This seems like such an obvious statement, yet it’s often met with hostility and confusion. So, let me explain:

“Comrad” means another member of the same group and/or someone who shares the same interests. Politically, the term is has been used to refer to fellow members of the Communist Party. Leftists today often use “comrad” to refer to other Leftists they trust. So, when I say that Liberals are not my comrads, I mean Liberals are not fellow Leftists and I am cautious of them.

I’ve previously discussed how Liberal policies are Right-leaning here. Liberals in the US only appear to be on the Left end of the spectrum because they are viewed in relation to Republicans, who are increasingly Far Right. But, now I want to talk about why Liberals are not comrads.

As a Leftist, I believe certain things. I believe humans have a right to life which includes the right to healthcare, housing, food, and the right to live without a threat of state-sanctioned brutality. I believe Capitalism is fundamentally opposed to these human rights. Capitalism was formed out of Mercantilism, which aimed to generate wealth for Kings and other governmental rulers. Capitalism merely took control away from the government and gave it to private parties like merchants. The goal of a capitalist society is still to generate wealth, so society members are only valuable if they help generate wealth. Instead of using surfs or subjects to generate this wealth, Capitalism uses other kinds of forced and coerced labor, such as slavery, child labor, underpaid labor, and prison labor. Capitalism requires a low-cost, compliant workforce because its only goal is to generate more and more and more wealth for those in power. Therefore, it is inherently opposed to viewing people as human beings with wants and needs outside their ‘usefulness’ in generating wealth. Thus, Leftists are anti-capitalist.

So, what does this have to do with Liberals? Liberal political ideology is built on a premise of individual liberty to participate in the “free market.” People are free to determine their own destiny because they can go out and work in the non-government controlled economy. Liberalism goes hand in hand with Capitalism. Some Liberals prefer heavily regulated Capitalism, while classical Liberals (e.g., Libertarians) want the laissez-faire form of Capitalism where there is no government oversight. But, not one shred of Liberal philosophy will ever call for the destruction of Capitalism, which includes privately held property and wage-based work. And this puts Liberals at odds with the core values of Leftists.

Because Leftists and Liberals will never share the same primary interests, values, or goals I cannot call them my comrads. However, there is another more uncomfortable reason why Liberals are not comrads: Leftists distrust them.

Liberals get very defensive when I talk about my mistrust toward them. However, Liberalism is a self-proclaimed non-violent position. (Note: if you want to fight me on this point I need you to first look up what “Liberal” means and maybe read a book on Liberal ideology.) Liberalism condemns violent tactics from political opposition. Liberalism calls for people to work within an existing system, one often controlled in part by Liberal forces. It compromises, it asks nicely, and it expects deference to the status quo.

But, those of us on the outside of the system, the systemically marginalized and oppressed, do not have that luxury. We don’t have the ability to politely ask police to stop beating and killing folx. We don’t have time to “go through proper channels” and plead our case on why we should have access to lifesaving medial care. We aren’t able to conform to Liberal standards of respectability when we’re being evicted, fired, and subsequently starved. Leftists cannot pledge to be non-violent. We do not condone brutality or unprovoked violence, but if we are being killed or otherwise brutalized we will not ask nicely for our oppressors to stop. But that is what Liberalism would demand from us.

Liberals want to cut police budgets, not abolish law enforcement. Liberals want to hire more social workers who are often just another state agent enforcing of harmful, discriminatory policies, separate families, and taking BIPOC and queer youth away from their communities and placing them in state-controlled systems. Liberals may even want cops out of schools, but what about getting Teach for America teachers out of schools? Liberals want to cut military spending, but Leftists call the military imperialist. Liberals want to fund food stamp and public housing programs, while Leftists believe landlords should not exist. Liberals try to pass 5 percent taxes on the wealthy; Leftists want them to return the billions they stole from workers.

I could continue, but I think I’ve made my point. Liberals will strive for incremental changes to an existing system. Leftists demand the destruction of the entire system because we believe the system is fundamentally harmful and cannot be salvaged. Because Liberals work within the existing system and oppose violence, Leftists cannot trust them. Liberals are more likely to compromise with fascists for the sake of preserving a peaceful facade, than they are to stand with Leftists and help demolish the current system which often requires a degree of violence.

Left V. Liberal

There is a disconnect in US politics, where we think Liberal means Left. If you were to look at the history of US politics in a vacuum, it would be easy to think Liberal ideologies are on the Left half of the political spectrum because historically the US has been Right-leaning.

The founders of this country were mostly upper-class slave owners who colonized occupied land. This country was build by and for conservative, wealthy, white, Christian men, and to a degree, their white, Christian wives. (Sorry white women, we don’t get a free pass here.) A little later on we see genocidal maniacs, like Andrew Jackson, shaping the US government. Abraham Lincoln was even problematic, although US history text books would lead us to believe otherwise. He wrote:

My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy Slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that. 

A LETTER FROM PRESIDENT LINCOLN.; Reply to Horace Greeley. Slavery and the Union The Restoration of the Union the Paramount Object. August 24, 1862.

In modern history, Republicans are the “Conservative” political party and the Democrats are the “Liberal” party. The two are positioned opposite each other, creating an illusion in which Republican and Democrat are at opposite ends of the spectrum. The two extremes – Conservative versus Progressive, Right versus Left, etc. Thus, “Republican” and “Conservative” became synonymous with the Right, and “Democrat” and “Liberal” because synonymous with the Left.

In reality, both parties are Right of center. If we compare the dictionary definitions of Liberalism and a Leftist position like Communism, it is easy to see that Liberalism sits to the Right. Both of the following definitions are over-simplified, but the core of each ideology is visibly different. Liberalism is individualistic, focused on economic gain, and emphasizes tolerance of nonviolent opposition – things the Left does not prioritize. Communism, like most Left-leaning philosophies, is community-centric, pro collective control, and de-emphasizes individual power. (Honestly, the dictionary definition of Communism is rather inaccurate.)

Liberalism: a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.

Communism: a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.

In addition to the very definition of Liberalism being pretty much opposite of most Leftists ideals, the history of Liberal Democratic policy in the US further demonstrates its Right-leaning nature. Since the 1970s, socially conservative and neo-liberal policies have been enacted by Republicans and Democrats alike. For example, Nixon started the infamous War on Drugs in 1971, which was continued by every subsequent president. If you do not believe this, click here for a quick and easy to understand synopsis of the War on Drugs. Democratic Golden Boy, Jimmy Carter was president when Asset Forfeiture was introduced. And Fan Favorite, Bill Clinton pushed for Mandatory Minimum Sentencing in 1995. Even Barrack Obama maintained the War on Drugs by pushing to deport undocumented immigrants with minor drug convictions.

The War on Drugs is just one of many examples where Liberal policies have been rather Right-wing. You can also look at the immigration policies, housing policies and urban development, justice system legislation, and foreign policies enacted by the Carter, Clinton, and Obama administrations to find a very conservative trend. In May of 1979, Carter approved CIA support of the mujaheddin in Afghanistan, and we know how that turned out. In 1994, Clinton signed the Violent Crime Control Act, also known as “The Crime Bill.” You know, the notorious bill that increased policing and incarceration rates in Black and Brown communities. And Obama enacted immigration policies that prioritized fast deportation, leading to little to no legal representation and asylum seekers being deported more often than not. Additionally, the current state of this country should be a testament to the increasingly Right-wing trajectory of our politics. The truth is, the Liberal policies of US Democrats over the past five decades only appear Left of center in relation to the even more conservative policies of Republicans.

My concern is not that Liberals exist, but that Liberals are mistaken for progressive leftists. I worry the general response to an increasingly Right-wing Republican party seems to be a Rightward shift of the Democratic party, as well, and then redefining the “Center.” It bothers me that centrist politicians like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are dubbed “Far Left” candidates. And it disturbs me that valid Left positions are painted as “too extreme.”

Support Project!

Several days ago I asked for support without providing any details regarding my current situation. So many folx immediately offered love, care, and encouragement without expecting anything in return. I am so effing grateful to all of you!

I want to pay it forward, so I’ve decided to start a support project! I’m going to be mailing out as many personalized greeting cards as I can afford to folx I know in person, know online, and strangers. I will only buy cards from minority-owned businesses. I think we all need a little encouragement and support right now given that we are in the midst of a global pandemic, racial injustice and violence is worse than ever, and our collective mental health is in the shitter. This can be a great way to offer emotional and mental support to folx during this difficult time, as it provides a much needed human connection, supports minority-owned businesses, and helps the post office (it’s seriously about to go bankrupt).

I am hoping some of you will participate in this, as well. If you would like to participate, please contact me through our contact page here, email at, or our Facebook page here. I’m essentially looking for folx who can afford to buy (from minority-owned businesses) and send one or two greeting cards a month to anyone who wants one. I’ll also be sharing the minority-owned companies I order from.

Additionally, if anyone wants a card from me, or wants to send me a card (I love getting cards!) I’m happy to send you my mailing address. If you’re comfortable sharing your address (I recommend only sharing a PO box address), I’d love to send you a card! OR, if you own a greeting card/stationary company, please let me know so I can shop with you.

And finally, I recognize this is not a feasible option for some folx, so I’ll also be sending digital designs and greetings. (Again, I will only be buying digital products from minority-owned businesses.)

Please, please let me know if you want to participate!


The company Culture Greetings  will mail one of their designer’s beautiful cards to whomever you wish! You can include a personal message in the card, as well.

The “Good” Cop

Written by O.K.

The “good” cop is sad.
The “good” cop just heard about George Floyd.
The “good” cop thinks there must have been a better way.
If the “good” cop had been there, maybe George Floyd would have just been tased.

The “good” cop is concerned.
These riots are scary for all those who “serve.”
The “good” cop wishes people hadn’t taken things to such an extreme.
The “good” cop stands in the line of blue, and fires another flash grenade into the crowd.

The “good” cop is heartbroken.
Breonna Taylor’s death was a tragic mistake.
The “good” cop reluctantly arrests Kenneth Walker.
If only he and she had been awake, to peacefully greet the plain clothes officers.

The “good” cop is disappointed.
They saw that post online.
The one that says “ACAB” next to yet another name.
The “good” cop hijacks a memorial to Black murder victims, in defense of “good” cops.

Dear “good” cop,
“You’re missing the point,”
“This is systemic violence please look at the evidence.”
The “good” cop doesn’t like your attitude, and easily drops the N word.

But don’t worry,
The “good” cop would never actually murder anyone, right?

The Depressing Case of Tara Reade

Sexual assault and rape survivors are rarely believed. When they occasionally are, they must be the ‘perfect’ victim (i.e., not intoxicated, acting “like a slut,” etc). Nor can they be unlucky enough to have a likable or popular attacker. The few survivors who end up getting public support are not supported because they experienced trauma and injustice, but because they are useful to those supporting them and/or it is convenient to do so. Nothing underlines these harsh realities better than the case of Tara Reade. 

Tara Reade worked in Joe Biden’s Senate office between 1992 and 1993. In 2019, Reade claimed Biden raped her. She has since restated her accusations in 2020. Seven additional women have accused Joe Biden of sexually inappropriate behavior. Biden has not admitted to any form of wrongdoing or apologized for any of his behavior. 

Honestly, these accusations are unsurprising. Sexual assault is a pervasive cancer in our society, perpetuated most frequently by powerful men. Slightly more surprising – though not wholly unexpected – is the response of the Liberal “Left.”  Watching the vile attacks on Reade from self-proclaimed progressives has been disheartening for many survivors. People claim Reade is lying because her story varied over time and she cannot remember every detail. The assault happened 27 years ago. Combine that with the fact traumatic memories can be distorted and difficult to recall, and suddenly the variations and fuzzy recollection seem plausible. Also, the fundamental aspects of her story never changed, she simply released more information recently. Unfortunately, this logic hasn’t stopped Liberals from going after her, which is especially disappointing as Liberals like to paint themselves as pink pussy-hat-wearing women’s rights advocates who, “BELIEVE WOMEN!” Except, they don’t believe women; they believe certain women – e.g., Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.
[Note: I am in no way diminishing Dr. Ford’s experiences or bravery, nor am I suggesting she should not be supported. I also am fully aware Dr. Ford received plenty of threats and other abuse.]

Both Reade and Dr. Ford accused powerful political figures of sexual assault. So, why did Liberals show an outpouring of solidarity for Dr. Ford, but spew rape-apologist rhetoric at Tara Reade and call her a liar? What could possibly be the difference between the two cases? Dr. Ford had the good fortune of being assaulted by the conservative supreme court nominee, Br*tt K*vanaugh. K*vanaugh was widely considered an illegitimate nomination for various reasons. (I won’t elaborate on this point, but you can Google it.) K*vanaugh was also exceedingly unlikable. He was unprofessional, hostile, and obnoxious. In other words, he was easy to dislike, and an assault allegation against him was serendipitous for the Liberal agenda.  

Unfortunately for Reade, her assaulter was not as convenient for Liberals. All Liberal eggs are in the Joe Biden basket. He has become The Alternative to four more years of Tr*mp. Liberals know the stakes for 2020: either get behind Biden or get ready for a two-term Tr*ump presidency. If the Democrats lose in 2020, we can only begin to imagine the lasting damage to our democracy. So, “vote blue no matter who” loudly drowns out any uneasiness or icky details about who Biden might be. And honestly, how dare Ms. Reade harm our chance of beating Tr*mp! Who does she think she is? Doesn’t she know how important this election is? Doesn’t she know Biden is our only saving grace right now? 

The stark contrast between these two cases highlight the failings of Liberals’ feminism. They may have rallied behind Dr. Ford when it served their purpose, but the Reade case demonstrates how quickly the Liberal “Left” will turn on survivors when the circumstances of the assault are not convenient to Liberal politics. This makes me wonder how many Liberals really cared about Dr. Ford. In light of how Tara Reade has been treated, it seems like Liberals could have simply co-opted Dr. Ford’s experience in the hope of achieving their political goals. Even if they genuinely supported Dr. Ford, Liberals and Democrats cannot claim to the be a beacon of women’s rights and only support those who accuse conservative men of sexual assault. 

I do understand the inconvenience Reade’s accusation. After all, how can we claim Tr*mp’s rapes make him ineligible to be president when we’re campaigning for a different rapist? How can we ask women and other sexual assault survivors to vote for Biden over Tr*mp when they are both guilty? Admitting Biden is probably a rapist muddies the waters between Republican and Democrat. It makes things grey and messy, and it’s easier when things are clear cut and black and white. Liberals/ Democrats will have a difficult time claiming the moral high ground now. To be clear: I know Biden and Tr*mp are not “the same.” I do realize a Biden cabinet, a Biden SCOTUS nominee, and a Biden agenda will be different than Tr*mp’s. So maybe they are cut from different parts of the same cloth, but they are both powerful white men who are not used to being held accountable for their transgressions. Maybe they have different political goals, and maybe one of them will damage our democracy far worse; however, can you really expect sexual assault survivors to relish voting for either?

I am depressingly un-phased every time something like this happens. Sexual assault is disgustingly common in our society, and survivors are not treated well. At least 20 percent of women and 1.4 percent of men are raped. At least 43 percent of straight women, 46 percent of lesbians, and 75 percent of bisexual women are sexually assaulted (but not “raped”) in their lifetime. And at least 20 percent of straight men, 40 percent of gay men, and 47 percent of bisexual men experience sexual assault other than “rape.” I say “at least” because these statistics are only based on reported instances. Given these numbers and that an estimated 91 percent of rapes go unreported, it is not a stretch to say half the population likely experiences some form of sexual assault. Yet, for some reason survivors are called liars, attention seekers, con-artists, and worse. When they are taken seriously it is because they can be used as pawns in other people’s agendas. So, this horribly traumatic thing is happening to a ton of us, but generally, people do not care to believe it or do anything to stop it.

Survivors don’t want attention, money, or fame. That’s not why we come forward. In fact, more often than not we receive judgment and harassment. We want to be taken seriously when we speak up about our experiences. We want those responsible for our trauma to be held accountable. We have been fighting for credibility and justice for decades. The anti-rape movement gained traction in the 1970’s with activists like Angela Davis and Gloria Steinem. More recently, the #MeToo movement has promoted believing survivors and seeking punishments for perpetrators. 

These movements are not for or against a particular political party. These movements are against sexual predators and sexual violence and for survivors. The thing is, sexual predators are not always sweaty, angry men who talk about how women have too many opinions and peaked during rush week. They are beloved sitcom stars, talented musicians, relatives, mentors, and even Tr*mp’s opponent. And we CANNOT only believe women and other survivors when it’s easy. That is just not how it works. 


  1. Brewster. “A Time Line Of Tara Reade’s Sexual Assault Allegations Against Joe Biden.” Forbs. May 7, 2020.
  2. National Sexual Violence Resource Center. “Statistics About Sexual Violence.” National Sexual Violence Resource Center. 2015.
  3. Poskin. “A Brief History of the Anti-Rape Movement” (adaptation from speech). Resource Project Sharing. October, 2006.
  4. Relman and Sheth. “Here are all the times Joe Biden has been accused of acting inappropriately toward women and girls.” Business Insider. May 4, 2020.
  5. Wikipedia. “Rape Statictics.” Wikipedia. May 8, 2020.

What Do You Do When You Can’t Cut Bait

I’ve always had this uncanny ability to know when to cut bait and run. I know when a relationship isn’t going to last, I know when a job interview is going poorly and I need to turn it around, and I know when someone or something isn’t worth my time. That’s probably why, when Dr. Christine Blasey Ford came forward, I knew it wouldn’t matter if people belived her because people wouldn’t care.

Too many people – especially those in power – don’t give a rat’s ass if a supreme court justice rapes women. They certainly don’t care that the U.S. President is a rapist. Hell, plently of congress people, buisness people and CEOs, actors, singers, Hollywood big shots, etc. are rapists. Why would they have a problem with a Justice McRape-y on the bench?

This country is entering an era of massive rollbacks of civil and human rights. Black people and people of color have been warning us for years that things aren’t actually getting better for the vast majority of historically opressed groups. Oppression hasn’t lessened in the U.S., it’s just changed forms. The prison industrial complex has replaced slavery, income inequality is increasing exponentially, Roe v. Wade is very likely going to be reversed, law enforcement is just as crooked as ever, queer folx are still dying from things cis/straight people survive. Honestly, shit’s fucked up.

I, like many folx, feel like I’m watching a collision in slow motion while paralysed. I have seen the metaphorical writing on the wall for awhile now. But unlike most times when I can see that everything is about to go to shit, there’s no where to run. If I know I’m about to lose my job, I start looking for another. If I know someone isn’t worth my time, I stop talking to them. But when the country you live in is slowly becoming increasingly hostile there’s not much you can do.

So where do we go from here? How are women and feminine of center folx going to cope after we’re inevitably assaulted? What do people who need abortions going to do once Roe v. Wade is reversed? How are we all going to survive when our companies make millions but pay us nothing?

I belive the only solution is to (a) become increasingly reliant on others from our communities, and (b) start intersectionally supporting other marginalized folx. Impoverished citizens need to be prepared to hide undocumented immigrants. White queers need to start refusing to cooperate with law enforement. And those of us with skills and resources need to start leveraging those privileges to help our communities survive.

We’re going to have to go back to the days where we risk our jobs, homes, freedom, and safety to provide for each other. Doctors will have to risk their medical licenses to provide abortions. Lawyers will have to take pay cuts to represent undocumented immigrants. If we don’t, we won’t survive.

Dear Fellow White People: RE Justine Damond Shooting

Dear fellow white people who are shocked and angered by Justine Damond’s murder.
Dear fellow white people who are outraged that a woman was shot by the very police she called for help.
Dear fellow white people who are devastated that a beautiful yoga instructor and bride-to-be’s life was cut short by trigger-happy cops.
Dear fellow white people who are in disbelief an unarmed person would be so carelessly and ruthlessly gunned down by those who are supposed to “protect and serve.”
Where were you?

Where were you when Charleena Lyles was murderer by Seattle police after calling for help?
Where were you when Philando Castle and Sandra Bland, both pillars of their communities, were ripped away from their families and friends by police brutality?
Where where you when literally thousands of unarmed Black folx are murdered by U.S. police?

Dear fellow white people who are demanding “hashtag justice for Justine.”
Dear fellow white people who are appalled that a law abiding person could end up a victim of police violence.
Dear fellow white people who are frantically asking “how is this even possible in my country?”
Why weren’t you listening?

Why weren’t you listening to the cries for justice for Eric Garner, or Mike Brown? Or at least Tamir Rice who was just 12 years old?
Why weren’t you listening to Black and Latin Americans when they told you police violence was a serious and institutional problem that affects all of us?
Why weren’t you listening to Black parents when their young children were routinely terrorized by cops in their own neighborhoods?

If we’re just now getting angry,
if we’re just now paying attention,
if we just now started to care about police brutality.
If we are heartbroken over the death of Justine Damond,
but unmoved by the death of Jordan Edwards.
Please, let’s save our tears.

This is not to say Justine Damond deserved to die. No, she absolutely didn’t.
This is not to say we can’t be saddened or even enraged by her death. No, we absolutely should be.
Nor is this to say that white people have lost the right to be upset over the wrongful shooting of other white people.
And I am sure that Justine was wonderful person who will be missed.

However, we do not get to be outraged over the murder of seemingly wholesome, fair-skinned, conventionally attractive, blonde lady,
while simultaneously ignoring the systemic radicalized violence faced by Black folx, Latin folx, Indigenous folx, and other people of colour.

And as a special note to my fellow white people who are making racist comments about the police officer who shot and killed Justine Damond, kindly go fuck yourselves.
Because I know you’re the same fuckers who say shit like, “all lives matter” and, “stop making everything about race!”
So, sit down and shut the fuck up. You sure as hell don’t get to pretend racism doesn’t exist and then garner sympathy by being a racist piece of shit.

If you would like to read more about this story, I recommend Shaun King’s article on Daily News, “Police brutality jumped a racial fence with Minneapolis cop shooting of Justine Damond” here.

Dear Steve Scalise, Karma’s a Bitch

This article is meant to parody the typical Conservative response to mass shootings. Links to real news sources are posted below.

Early this morning, at a GOP charity baseball practice session, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot by a lone gunman in Alexandria, Virginia. Two members of the Capitol Police, a congressional staffer, and a lobbyist for Tyson Foods were also shot. These five injured parties were hospitalized. The gunman, identified as James Hodgkinson from Belleville, Illinois, was reportedly killed by law enforcement at the baseball field. (Source 2)

Hodgkinson was 66 years old, an entrepreneur, politically active, and leaves behind a wife and daughter. His motives are unknown at this point, although some people suspect me have have suffered a recent mental break. Currently, the only thing we can do is wait for some sort of explanation for this tragedy, and send our thoughts and prayers to the victims. (Source 1)

Rep. Steve Scalise underwent surgery this morning and remains in critical condition. In addition to being the House Majority Whip, Scalise has been an opponent of gun control measures, and also has ties to known white supremacists.

In 2016, Scalise interviewed with CNN’s Jake Tapper and aggressively opposed then President Obama’s new gun control policies, calling them “executive overreach,” and claiming the U.S. already had adequate gun control measures and protections (Source 6). Watch the full interview here:

In 2002, he spoke at a European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO) conference about “the most effective and up-to-date methods of civil rights and heritage related activism.” EURO was founded by former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, and is recognized as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). (Source 3)

Steve Scalise claims he “didn’t know” EURO was a white supremacist organization, nor did he know it was founded by David Duke, and says speaking at this 2002 conference was a “mistake” which he “regrets” (Sources 3 & 4). However, EURO was a well-known racist hate group in 2002 according to a spokesperson for SPLC, and this conference was also on an “Anti-Defamation League list of extremist events for that year” (Source 3).

Scalise continued to defend himself by claiming he has spoken to many different groups with different ideologies, and “when people called and asked me to speak to groups, I went and spoke to groups” (Sources 3 & 4). He also said he did not have a scheduler on staff in 2002, nor did he have “the benefit of Google” (Source 4). It should be noted Google’s internet search engine not only existed in 2002, but was growing in popularity.

In 2014, The Washington Post interviewed David Duke on whether or not Saclise was aware of Duke’s connection to the 2002 EURO conference. Duke said he did not know for sure if Scalise knew “what the conference was,” but that Scalise was asked to speak by “two of Duke’s longtime associates.” (Source 4)

Additionally, Steve Scalise was likely aware of who David Duke was prior to his 2002 EURO conference speech, given a 1999 statement he made about Duke. When interviewed by Roll Call regarding Rep. Bob Livingston’s (R-La) resignation and the possibility of both David Duke and himself filling that newly vacated House seat, Scalise said he embraces many of the same “conservative” views as Duke, but is far more viable.” (Source 5)


  1. Jose Pagliery, “Suspect in congressional shooting was Bernie Sanders supporter, strongly anti-Trump,” CNN, June 14, 2017,
  2. Tal Kopan and Eric Bradner, “GOP House Whip Steve Scalise in critical condition after shooting at baseball practice,” CNN, June 14, 2017,
  3. Molly Reilly and Ryan Grim, “House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference In 2002,” Huffington Post, Dec. 29, 2014,
  4. J. Scott Applewhite, “Rep. Scalise: Speech At White Supremacist Gathering ‘A Mistake I Regret’,” NPR, Dec. 30, 2014,
  5. Niels Lesniewski, “What Scalise and Vitter Told Roll Call About David Duke in 1999,” Roll Call, Dec. 29, 2014,
  6. “CNN: Scalise Blasts Obama’s Gun Measures,” CNN, Jan. 6, 2016,

What the Anti-Trans Bathroom Debate is Really About

After the White House rolled back protections for trans public school students (click here for link to news story) the “should trans people be able to safely use public bathrooms” debate has raised its ugly head yet again. And frankly, this debate is absurd. I cannot believe we are still debating whether or not trans folx are ‘permitted’ to take a piss in a public toilet. Like, are you fucking kidding me? Why are we discussing this? How is this even an issue? The level of bigotry required for this to be a problem for someone is truly terrifying.

prostest this shit

Image Description: An elderly white, feminine-presenting person with a walker holding a sign that reads, “I can’t believe I still have to protest this shit!”

Those promoting this specific form of transphobia claim their concern is primarily with protecting children and preventing sexual assault. It’s obvious to me, and most other queer folx, this so called “bathroom debate” is not about protecting children or preventing sexual assault at all. Nor is it really about trans people using bathrooms. However, before I explain what the “bathroom debate” is about, let’s first explore these transphobes’ claims.

First, these transphobes argue they just want to protect “The Children.” But by “The Children” they mean their children; specifically, their cis, straight, and usually white children. But setting aside the fact that these people completely ignore the existence of trans kids (something I will circle back to), let’s dig into this “but what about The Children?” argument:

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Image Description: Mr’s Banks from the TV show The Simpsons. Text reads, “Won’t somebody please think of the children?”

So, what exactly are these people trying to protect their kids from? Well, for one, they want to protect “The Children” from being “scandalized” by seeing genitalia (specifically, penises) in the women’s bathroom. My question here is, what the hell kind of bathrooms are you and your family using? While I primarily use the women’s bathroom, I have also used the men’s and gender neutral facilities. And I can honestly say I have never seen genitalia in any public bathroom – ever. My dad even used to take me in the men’s room with him when I was a toddler and there was never a problem. Okay, a little boy walked in on me once, but I think he was just as scandalized as me. So, this is really not an issue… unless these people are trying to see genitalia in public bathrooms. In which case, they’re the perverts; not trans folx who just need to take a leak. Also, if people with penises really are flinging themselves all about in men’s rooms, why are we comfortable with little boys being exposed to that? Sure, many toddlers go in the women’s room, but by 8 or 10 most kids can use public bathrooms while their guardian waits outside. So, it’s acceptable for little 10 year old boys to be flashed in the bathroom, just not little girls? That’s pretty fucked up. It’s almost as if this argument isn’t about protecting “The Children” at all… Hmm…

Another argument these transphobes make is they don’t want their children to be “confused.” Confused by what? That all humans pee and poop? Aside from the occasional mirror check, peeing and pooping is literally all that goes on in public bathrooms. Unless of course I missed the memo about all the bathroom orgies? Which would be sad, because I’m down for an orgy… although, not in a public bathroom. That’s gross.

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Image Description: A black, masculine-presenting person. Text reads, “Girl that’s nasty.”

I guarantee these same people opposing trans folx safely going to the bathroom are also brainwashing their kids with archaic, unfounded ideas about sex and gender essentialism. (Click here for more information on essentialism.) These are the people who teach their kids sex and gender are the same thing, and there are only two – “male and female” – because god says so. And anyone who doesn’t force themselves into this rigid mold is going to hell. Talk about confusing. Sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists, and biologists will all tell you sex and gender are not the same thing, and there are more than two of each. So, just because these people refuse to open their minds, and therefore are incapable of providing their children with accurate information on sex and gender, doesn’t mean they get to exile all trans people so their kid never questions this brainwashing. (Click here for link to more information on the differences between sex and gender)

And to circle back to trans kids (because they do actually matter) – they’re being told they have to use a bathroom that makes them uncomfortable, unsafe, and that does not match their gender. Trans girls are being told they have to use the boys’ bathroom because they are a boy – even though they’re girls – is not okay. Trans kids face enough bullying, transphobia, microaggressions, mental health challenges, and other abuse. The last thing they need is to be forced to use a bathroom that is potentially unsafe and traumatic, or at best, awkward and uncomfortable.

The last line of the what-about-The-Children? argument is usually, “I don’t feel comfortable with unsupervised men being in the bathroom with my wife and/or daughter.” Ignoring the paternalistic undertones of this statement, it sort of sounds like [cis] men are the problem. It sounds like even these overly-conservative transphobes don’t trust men to behave themselves around women. To which every woman and feminine of center person sarcastically says, “you don’t say!” Although, you certainly won’t hear these conservative, “god made men superior” -criers, binary gender roll adhere-ers admit men pose a serious threat to women. Oh no. These are the same ‘concerned’ men who blame women for their own sexual assault because of what they were wearing or how much they drank… But I’ll come back to this issue later.


Image Description: Willy Wonka from the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Text reads, “So, you don’t want to be sexually assaulted. Have you tried, like, not getting raped?”

So, if men are the problem, why are these people attacking trans women and femms for using the women’s bathroom? Oh, unless they’re misgendering trans folx, equating women with vagina/uterus owners, and are therefore referring to trans women going about their normal bathroom business as “unsupervised men.” (Hint: this is exactly what they’re doing.)

The only counter-argument to make here is that trans woman are women. This is not something that is open for discussion, as this is simply a fact. However, those who insist on being transphobic assholes and saying trans women are not “real” women, don’t get to exclude trans folxs from public facilities simply because they insist on being transphobic assholes. Not to mention, equating women with vagina/uterus owners reveals their true views on women. If she doesn’t have a vagina for them to put a dick in, or uterus to make a baby with, she is not a useful/real woman.

Now, these people might reply by saying men and women are inherently different on a biological level, and it’s not just about having a vagina/uterus. Well, that’s pseudoscience that has been disproved many times over. There are very few significant biological or genetic differences between what we have traditionally classified as “male” and “female” sexes. Given that there are only a few percentage points difference between human and chimpanzee DNA, it is ridiculous to think there are gaping biological differences between people with penises and people with vaginas. Also, studies have shown folx from different sex categories may function differently, but there are very few inherent biological or genetic differences. Much like how people from different cultures or geographical regions function differently but are still very similar on a biological and genetic level. (Click here for a summary of study on the differences between men and women’s brains.) Additionally, conceptualizing sex as a binary thing is empirically false, as more than two sexes exist. (Click here for further information on intersex.)

The second main argument these transphobes make is that women and children need to be protected from sexual assault. Yes! Finally, conservatives are acknowledging sexual assault is a pervasive problem in our society. But wait, how exactly do these transphobes think banning trans folx from public bathrooms will prevent sexual assault? First, they claim allowing trans people to pee in public toilets undisturbed will also allow cross-dressing [cis] men to easily and covertly sexually assault women and children.

Apparently, cross-dressing [cis] men will be able to sneak into the women’s bathroom unnoticed amidst a crowd of trans folx, assault a couple cis women, and disappear with all the trans folx before anyone can say shit about it. But even if that were to happen, which is highly improbable, these cross-dressing men are cis men, not trans people. So, even in this far fetched scenario trans people are not the problem, cis men are. And the many people who have been sexually assaulted by cis men are all like:


Image Description: Comedian Kevin Hart holding a microphone saying, “I gotta stop saying ‘how stupid can you be?’ I’m beginning to feel like people are taking it as a challenge”

You know who is actually likely to rape women and children? Fathers, boyfriends and husbands, teachers and coaches, the creepy neighbor, that perv-y uncle, youth-group leader, a boss, or that long-time family friend you never felt comfortable around. (Click here for more information on perpetrators sexual assaults.)

And even when a [cis] man wants to rape a stranger, he doesn’t need to cross-dress and sneak into a public bathroom. What planet do these transphobes live on? [Cis] men don’t need a ruse to sexually assault people. Women and children are regularly sexually harassed and assaulted in public spaces. Street harassment is a daily occurrence for many women and feminine-presenting folx. Fucking Br*ck T*rner committed his rape behind a dumpster. And just to drive a nail in the coffin of this absurd argument, Oklahoma State Senator, Ralph Shortey, voted for a piece of anti-trans legislation and then was caught in a hotel room with a minor (click here for the story).

The second way these bathroom bill assholes think trans folx using public bathrooms encourages sexual assaults is that it will give sexual predators a free pass because “they can just claim they’re trans.” Um, no.

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Image Description: 3 elderly white, feminine-presenting people talking in a living room. Text reads, “that’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works.”

Providing legal protections to trans people when using public bathrooms doesn’t negate existing laws which make assault a criminal act. Cis men and women using the men’s and women’s rooms aren’t legally allowed to assault people in the bathroom. And if a trans person assaulted anyone I’m positive they would be arrested. However, there are no reports of trans people assaulting anyone in public bathrooms. (Click here for article linking to various Trans Rights organizations’ statics) However, white cis men get away with assaulting people all the time. So, it’s not trans people getting a free pass, it’s white cis dudes. (For examples, Google any of the following names: Donald Trump, Casey Affleck, Bill O’Reily, Woody Allen.)

Of course, to non-bigots all of these “anti-trans bathroom” arguments make zero sense. These transphobes’ claims of wanting to protect “The Children” collapse with the slightest breeze like a poorly made souffle. And preventing or reducing sexual assault and trans people’s natural bodily functions have fuck all to do with each other.

If these people were actually concerned about “The Children” they would be concerned about all children, especially the most vulnerable children. Not only would I venture these assholes don’t actually care about poor kids, Black kids, undocumented kids, and kids suffering from abuse, they obviously don’t give two shits about trans kids. Never mind the fact that 92% of trans adults in the U.S. attempted suicide before 25 (click here for data from the Trevor Project). And never mind that an estimated 20 to 40% of homeless youth are trans, LGB, or otherwise queer (click here for data on homelessness in the LGBTQIA+ community). These people still want to force trans youth into unsafe bathrooms and locker rooms that do not match their gender and where they are often bullied and assaulted. So much for protecting “The Children.”

As bad as the “but what about The Children?” argument is, I am most disgusted by the supposed sexual assault prevention claims. Dear transphobic assholes, stop weaponizing sexual assault to promote your anti-trans bathroom bills. Stop pretending to care about sexual assault victims to justify your transphobia. You don’t give a flying fuck about sexual assault victims, you hypocrites!

I’ll believe these fuckwits care about preventing sexual assault, when they stop protecting/defending their own white cis rapists (for examples Google Donald Trump, Casey Affleck, Bill O’Reily, or Woody Allen). Or when the assholes making these transphobic laws stop assaulting people in bathrooms themselves. (More Republican Lawmakers Have Been Arrested For Bathroom Misconduct Than Trans People.) I’ll believe they care about victims and survivors when they start sentencing rapists to more than a few months in jail (Google the Brock Turner or Stacey Rambold rape cases). Or when they actually start holding [cis] men accountable for sexual assault. Or when they start believing folx who say they were raped. Or when they stop normalizing rape in our pop culture. Or when they stop giving boys a pass on assaulting girls because “boys will be boys.” Or when they stop sweeping sexual assault and pedophilia under the rug in religious organizations (for example, the Duggar family). 

So, if the “bathroom debate” isn’t about protecting “The Children” or preventing sexual assaults like its proponents claim, what exactly is this shitty, dehumanizing debate about? It’s actually very simple; this “bathroom debate” is about excluding trans people from public spaces. It’s about making it even more difficult to exist while being trans. It’s about continuing the oppressive systems trans and gender nonconforming folx are living under. It’s about dehumanizing trans folx in order to maintain our current cis supremacist society to the benefit of cis people.

The last thing I want to say is three days ago on June 6, 2017, Kenne McFadden, a 27 year old Black trans woman, was murdered. McFadden is the 12th trans person of colour to be murdered in the U.S. this year alone (click here for link to the news story). So, excuse me while I don’t care about your discomfort at the thought of pissing next to a trans person.

cis tears

Image Description: A white, non-binary presenting person with short brown hair wearing a blue shirt and tie holding a much that says, “cis tears.”

If you are interested in reading more about this issue, please click here for an article by Laverne Cox titled, “It’s Not About Bathrooms: Laverne Cox on the Attack Against Trans Rights.”
Or click here for an article by a trans woman named Mari Brighe titled, “What Really Happens When a Trans Woman Uses a Public Restroom.”